Tuesday 25 May 2010

The Launch of YouYou

Ok, so YouYou launched at the end of March and I am only just writing this but in my defence I have been a bit pre-occupied with the launch. So I have decided to blog, I am not an amazing writer, my sister is much better at it than me but I am going to give it a whirl and if I fail then I shall pass this over to her to write! In the meantime you are stuck with me.

My sister Hilly and I have run Aurelius International which is a traditional recruitment agency in central London for ages and when the recession hit and recruitment was really badly affected we decided to think of other ways to help companies recruit. Realising that the whole industry was changing and being worried that we weren't going to be able to survive the recession (we did by the way!) we started to think of other options and that is how YouYou was born.

We started to do some research and look at what other companies provided in terms of online recruitment and we couldn't find anyone doing the same thing as our idea. Once we realised we were going to be the first company to provide this kind of recruitment we decided to move pretty fast! We didn't want someone else to launch the same type of site before us.

We got in touch with our web designer Gary who works in Bath to see if this site was something that could be built and try to work out the logistics of it all. You can see Gary's site if you want to here

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